enhanced] DD-B

Book Note: John Sandford, Stolen Prey

I read this book about 20120714. This is the first time I've read this book. The book is copyright 2012. This note was last modified Wednesday, 15-Jun-2016 14:01:39 PDT.

This is book 22 of the "Prey" series.

This note contains spoilers for the book.


Latest Lucas Davenport novel. Also did a reread of all the previous ones.

This is a very complicated situation, involving a software company laundering money for the Mexican drug mobs, some people stealing from a bank, and various collateral connections.

Turns out, the account getting money skimmed from it by the thieves is part of the laundering scheme, so the drug lords are being robbed. They send their idea of an investigative team to find out; leading to the entire family of the software company founder being discovered dead by torture in their Wayzata home.

The thieves don't know this has anything to do with them, yet.

Let's see; then there's a Mexican policeman who is sent up to investigate, and his assistant (who turns out to be an agent for the drug mob).

Yet again, Davenport's family and his home are attacked. This time, it's the combination of decent physical security (but a landscaping timber battering ram still gets through the front door) and Letty getting to one of Lucas's spare guns and knowing how to use it. She ends up taking out the professional assassin armed with a machine pistol and the drug agent attached to the Mexican policeman.

Weather still doesn't really want to think about security issues seriously; but she's worried that Letty isn't showing signs of psychological trauma afterwards. Letty and Lucas have a talk, which includes Lucas admitting more to her than is perhaps safe about previous criminal actions of his; but he concludes that she must be okay, because she's just like him, and he's okay. (They talk about sociopaths, and how she isn't, at least, just that.) Weather seems to buy that.

This whole thing is framed by a story of Devenport getting mugged at an ATM, leading to taking down an industrial-scale magic mushroom growing operation in southern Minnesota.

Despite the fact that it's prominent in the review quotes for this volume, I have to say that this series really does seem to be holding its value as it gets longer. That's quite rare. To my eye, Davenport is maturing enough to remain interesting and believable, but not changing so much as to stop being involved in interesting stories.

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David Dyer-Bennet