Will Shetterly and Emma Bull, at home in Minneapolis, Bull, Emma; GFDL; S…
Couldn't resist the lucky timing of this one
Lois McMaster Bujold, 1996 Bujold, Lois McMaster
Several buds at top of stalk
South side of Minnehaha Park
This was shot with the Tokina 17mm f3.5 lens.
Miriam May #2, 18-Apr-1999
John Dyer-Bennet #1, 18-Apr-1999
John Dyer-Bennet #2, 18-Apr-1999
John Dyer-Bennet, 18-Apr-1999
John Dyer-Bennet #3, 18-Apr-1999
Miriam May #1, 18-Apr-1999
Mary Dyer-Bennet #1, 18-Apr-1999
Miriam May #3, 18-May-1999
Mary Dyer-Bennet #2, 18-Apr-1999
Wild sunflower leaf and stalk
These were a little shorter and much smaller flowers than the usual hybrid …
Fireworks (but not bombs) bursting in air. Launching crew to the left.
Multiple launches
Multiple fireworks launches and bursts.
Save me a place by the fire
Bonfire in a patch of rape (from which Canola oil is made).
Chip, Davey, Mike, and Beth.
John launching the fireworks. I had to extort this image out of the negativ…
Serious fire-dink
Lysander throws another log on the fire.
John M. Ford portrait, January 2000 cc-by-sa-3.0; Ford, John M.
Orchids near the Asian Tropics
The dolphin show was fast-moving and poorly lit
Shark! (Sand shark, I think?)
Other denizens of the shark tank
Lioness in Lioness necklace
Dr. Mike (John M. Ford) at Minicon 38
cc-by-sa-2.5; Dr. Mike; Ford, John M.
aquarium; blood parrot (juvenile)
aquarium; turquoise severum
aquarium; blood parrot (juvenile)
aquarium; turquoise severum
Pat Wrede autographing at Uncle Hugo's 30th Anniversary celebration. GFDL…
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, autographing at Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Book…
Steven Brust at Minicon 39 in Minneapolis, MN. Brust, Steven; Released un…
Small barge group going under Ford Parkway bridge. Looking north from Lock…
Ford Parkway bridge across the Mississippi River near Lock & Dam #1.
Ford Parkway bridge across the Mississippi River, from near Lock & Dam #1.…
Signs around Locks and Dam #1. "US Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul Distri…
Concert Hall
Concert hall side of the Music and Drama Center, from the plaza between th…
Laird Hall
Laird Hall. When I was there (1972-77) this was where the English departm…
Goodsell Observatory
Goodsell observatory. This was math department headquarters when I was th…
Goodhue and Recreation Center across Lyman Lakes
Oh, and the water tower in the background. Carleton College; Goodhue Hall…
Evans Hall
Carleton College; Evans Hall
Nourse, and "Language and Dining"
Carleton College; Language and Dining; Nourse Hall
Nourse, and "Language and Dining"
Carleton College; Language and Dining; Nourse Hall
Carleton College; Nourse Hall
Carleton College; Watson Hall
Cowling Recreation Center
Carleton College; Cowling Recreation Center
Carleton College; Musser Hall; Davis Hall; Scoville Hall
Skinner chapel
Carleton College; Skinner Memorial Chapel
Mudd Hall and the Music and Drama Center Carleton College; Mudd Hall; Mus…
Sculpture at corner of Bald Spot near Music and Drama center. Carleton Co…
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill…
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill…
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill…
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill…
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill…
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Dean, Pamela
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Dean, Pamela
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Sasseville, Laramie
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Sasseville, Laramie
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Raun, Irene
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Nickerson, Lydia
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Nickerson, Lydia
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Nickerson, Lydia
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Nickerson, Lydia
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Nickerson, Lydia
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schneier, Bruce
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schneier, Bruce
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schneier, Bruce
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schneier, Bruce
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Von Krag, Tony
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Von Krag, Tony
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Von Krag, Tony
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Friedman, Beth
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Friedman, Beth
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Totusek, Ann
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Totusek, Ann
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Totusek, Ann
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Totusek, Ann
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Totusek, Ann
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Totusek, Ann
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Christ, Bill
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Christ, Bill
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Christ, Bill
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schafer, Martin
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schafer, Martin
Pool Party Portraits Feb. 2005 Schafer, Martin
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Macro photos in the garden.
Species morning glory
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. cc-by-sa-3.0; morning glory (spe…
Bee on morning glory
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. cc-by-sa-3.0; morning glory (hea…
Closing heavenly blue
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. morning glory (heavenly blue); p…
Late in the day
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. morning glory (heavenly blue); p…
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. plant macro
This is an ex morning glory
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. morning glory (species); plant m…
Re-closed morning glory bud
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. morning glory (species); plant m…
Bee shadow on morning glory
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. cc-by-sa-3.0; morning glory (spe…
Bee on morning glory
Flowers and ex-flowers in the back yard. morning glory (species); plant m…
Overlook across Golden Gate from San Francisco
Pacific sunset, on Golden Gate overlook
cc-by-sa-3.0; plant macro
North stairway to Minnehaha falls
Minnehaha creek, bridge seen from the south stairway.
Top of south stairs to Minnehaha creek.
When the first of the trees in front went. 3721 Blaisdell Ave. S.
3721 Blaisdell Ave. S., Minneapolis MN
Incarnation Catholic Church, 3817 Pleasant Ave. S. 3817 Pleasant Ave. S.;…
Peter Pan Cleaners, 322 W. 38th St., Minneapolis MN 322 W. 38th St.
3709 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis MN
37xx and 3721 Blaisdell Ave. S., Minneapolis
Phone switching center on Pilsbury Ave. S. These buildings are generally …
Victor's 1959 Cafe Victor's 1959 Cafe; 3756 Grand Ave. S.
Dr. Mike with the spherical cow of uniform density
Dr. Mike with the spherical cow of uniform density (made by Irene Raun) F…
cc-by-sa-3.0; plant macro
Rowhouse at 25-31 Clinton Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 2425-2431 Clinton Ave. …
Entrance at south end of 2425-2431 Clinton Ave. S. rowhouse. 2425-2431 Cl…
2425-2431 Clinton Ave. S.; rowhouse
Mansion on Pilsbury Ave. S. Note octopus mural on carriage house in back.…
One of a pair of lions at side entrance to 2201 Pilsbury Ave. S.
Large octupus mural on carriage house behind 2201 Pilsbury Ave. S., Minnea…
morning glory (species); plant macro
Robert A. Heinlein at the 1976 World Science Fiction Convention Heinlein,…
Robert A. Heinlein at the 1976 World Science Fiction Convention Heinlein,…
Robert A. Heinlein at the 1976 World Science Fiction Convention Heinlein,…
Richard Dyer-Bennet at home in Massachusetts, 1976 Dyer-Bennet, Richard; …
John Dyer-Bennet, Summer 1972 in Berkeley
John Dyer-Bennet, taken in Berkeley CA, summer of 1972
Miriam Dyer-Bennet Sr. #1, Summer 1972, Berkeley
Miriam Dyer-Bennet, Berkeley CA 1972
Miriam Dyer-Bennet Sr. #2, Summer 1972, Berkeley
Miriam Dyer-Bennet, Berkeley CA 1972
Christopher Dyer-Bennet #1, Summer 1972, Berkeley
Christopher Dyer-Bennet, taken in Berkeley CA in 1972
Christopher Dyer-Bennet #2, Summer 1972, Berkeley
Christopher Dyer-Bennet, Berkeley CA 1972
Gordon R. Dickson at Minicon 8, 1974 Dickson, Gordon R.; Minicon 8; Relea…
Judy Lynn and Lester Del Rey at Minicon 8 (1974) Del Rey, Judy Lynn; Del …
Ben Bova at Minicon 8, 1974 Bova, Ben; Minicon 8; Released under GNU FDL
Richard Dyer-Bennet at his home in Massachusetts (#1), 1976
Richard Dyer-Bennet at his home in Massachusetts (#2), 1976
Richard Dyer-Bennet at his home in Massachusetts (#3), 1976
This is a relatively old type of rose, that nobody so far has been able to …
Morning glory transparency
Morning glory (smaller, purple)
House on Lake of the Isles
In this image I have chosen to preserve the minor residual color that is ca…
Looking across Lake of the Isles
Lake of the Isles #2
For this image I chose to preserve the very small amount of color captured …
Witches Hat Tower, normal
EPSON DSC picture cc-by-sa-3.0; plant macro
Neil Gaimand and John M. Ford at Minicon 37
Ford, John M.; Gaiman, Neil
Yes, fghri01.jpg and felicia-and-rosemary-1.jpeg are the same photo, treate…
Yes, fghri01.jpg and felicia-and-rosemary-1.jpeg are the same photo, treate…
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, June 1996
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, June 1996
This one is *especially* preliminary. The background and floor are partiall…
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, June 1996
Lydy, duotoned (pool party photo session)
Felicia 4-May-96 #1
Actually, I hadn't intended to overexpose the slides at all, but the lemona…
Lydy at Carleton, spring 1996 (#3)
Lydy at Carleton, spring 1996 (#1)
Lydy at Carleton, spring 1996 (#2)
For those who are interested in such trivia, this monochrome image was made…
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, June 1996
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, June 1996
Dr. Mike at Reinconation #2
Dr. Mike at Reinconation #4
Mary Dyer-Bennet, May 1996
Pat Dyer-Bennet, Spring 1996
John Dyer-Bennet, Spring 1996
Pat Dyer-Bennet, Spring 1996
John Dyer-Bennet, Spring 1996 (first version)
John Dyer-Bennet, Spring 1996 (Second version)
Ask Doctor Mike at Reinconation
Deb Notkin at Reinconation V
Dr. Mike at Reinconation, #3
Ask Dr. Mike at Reinconation 5, #1
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #1
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #2
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #3
The Fabulous Lorraine at Renfest #1
That same picture of Emma yet again, pretty well enhanced.
Emma Bull of the Flash Girls, in performance. Taken at the Minnesota Renais…
The Fab one at Renfest, #2
The Fab one, at Renfest, #3
The Fabulous Lorraine playing at Renfest, posterized
Emma Bull singing at Renfest (B&W)
This is the first photo I've used contrast masking on. Works like a charm. …
Steven Brust at Renfest, 1994
Lydia Nickerson, photo session with Oleg
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet, October 1995
Sunflower bud just opening
Sunflower in our garden; just opening.
The Fabulous Lorraine at Renfest
The Fabulous Lorraine and her fiddle at Renfest
Yet another version of the Fabulous Lorraine and her fiddle
Lydy at Neil's Guy Fawkes day party 1994
Lydy and an iguana (is this Puff or Elegon?)
Detail of "Branches" necklace
Detail of "Branches" necklace: fine sterling silver wire and labradorite. C…
Detail of "The Queen's Vessel" necklace
Detail of "Queen's Vessel" necklace: miscellaneous white metal, labradorite…
Detail of bead and driftwood sculpture
Detail of sculpture: sterling silver wire, glass beads, driftwood from Lake…
Goddess-spiral necklace
Goddess-spiral necklace: nitinol (memory wire), pewter Goddess pendant, cry…
Detail of pendant on Goddess-spiral necklace
Detail of pendant on Goddess-spiral necklace.
Detail of coils of Goddess-spiral necklace
Detail of coils of Goddess-spiral necklace
Vintage glass & Swarovski "fire opal" leaded crystal bead necklace
Necklace: heavy 14k GF wire, vintage glass, Swarovski "fire opal" leaded cr…
The necklace "Oh, *that* kind of angel" detail #1
Detail of "Oh, *that* kind of angel!" necklace: miscellaneous yellow metal,…
The necklace "Oh, *that* kind of angel" detail #2
Detail of "Oh, *that* kind of angel!" necklace: miscellaneous yellow metal,…
Steven Brust at Renfest, B&W
Steven Brust playing doombek at Renfest
Steven Brust wearing The Hat at Renfest
Tuey juggling torches on a burning slack-rope