20-June-2000 Flowers

I shot some flowers in evening light, in the medicinal gardens at the Bakken Library & Museum, and then in the back yard. These were all shot with an Epson 850Z digital camera, with no lens attachments or external light modifiers or anything.

More to come soon, I hope.

Opening bud and flower
Opening bud and flower
This is a relatively old type of rose, that nobody so far has been able to identify with any more specificity. The bud is a nice creamy pink, but when the flower opens the petals are white. I guess inkjet printers aren't the only things that have trouble with color stability!
Tight bud and flower
Tight bud and flower
Madonna lily
Madonna lily
Madonna lily #2
Madonna lily #2
Trumpet lily
Trumpet lily
Madonna lily, profile
Madonna lily, profile
Cream hollyhock
Cream hollyhock
Unfurling hollyhock bud
Unfurling hollyhock bud
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David Dyer-Bennet