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Fish, in aquariums. Lydy's aquariums, to be precise.

This is our first try at using the studio strobes for this. I'm finding it's hard to position them well; the fish tend to end up somewhat backlit. Also, I'm getting a lot of glare spots and flare circles off what I think are particles suspended in the water (many edited out of the versions presented here). It's already been interesting, and I'm sure there's more to come.

aquarium; turquoise severum
Angels and a Parrot and a bit of Severum
Angels and a Parrot and a bit of Severum
angel fish; aquarium
aquarium; blood parrot (fish); blood parrot (juvenile)
aquarium; blood parrot (juvenile)
Adult blood parrot (Wesley)
Adult blood parrot (Wesley)
Turquoise severum
Turquoise severum
aquarium; turquoise severum
Immature blood parrot
Immature blood parrot
aquarium; blood parrot (juvenile)
Large severum
Large severum
aquarium; turquoise severum
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David Dyer-Bennet