Photo Gallery Page

Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #1
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #1
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #2
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #2
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #3
Steven Brust, playing at the Minnesota Rennaissance festival #3
The Fabulous Lorraine at Renfest #1
The Fabulous Lorraine at Renfest #1
That same picture of Emma yet again, pretty well enhanced.
That same picture of Emma yet again, pretty well enhanced.
Emma Bull of the Flash Girls, in performance. Taken at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, fall of 1994. I'd rented a Nikon N90 and their 80-200 f2.8 zoom to try out autofocus. I liked these pictures well enough that I bought my own. This was my first try at contrast masking in color digital photo manipulation. This photo was masked with a B&W negative of itself, then brightness and contrast were *heavily* pushed. Additional minor color and contrast adjustments were made. The background was cut out of an unmodified copy of the picture and pasted in (and it shows). Finally, some minor retouching was done.
The Fab one at Renfest, #2
The Fab one at Renfest, #2
The Fab one, at Renfest, #3
The Fab one, at Renfest, #3
The Fabulous Lorraine playing at Renfest, posterized
The Fabulous Lorraine playing at Renfest, posterized
Emma Bull singing at Renfest (B&W)
Emma Bull singing at Renfest (B&W)
This is the first photo I've used contrast masking on. Works like a charm. I was never brave enough (never had enough belief in my hand-eye coordination) to try it in a real darkroom, but it works like a charm. A negative mask was manually modified to tone down the burned out areas on the side of the neck, and the left-hand shoulder, even more.
Steven Brust at Renfest, 1994
Steven Brust at Renfest, 1994
The Fabulous Lorraine at Renfest
The Fabulous Lorraine at Renfest
The Fabulous Lorraine and her fiddle at Renfest
The Fabulous Lorraine and her fiddle at Renfest
Yet another version of the Fabulous Lorraine and her fiddle
Yet another version of the Fabulous Lorraine and her fiddle
Steven Brust at Renfest, B&W
Steven Brust at Renfest, B&W
Steven Brust playing doombek at Renfest
Steven Brust playing doombek at Renfest
Steven Brust wearing The Hat at Renfest
Steven Brust wearing The Hat at Renfest
Tuey juggling torches on a burning slack-rope
Tuey juggling torches on a burning slack-rope
[gallery] [snapshots] [dd-b]

David Dyer-Bennet