Carleton, September 2004

Carleton College campus in the fall. With a number of new buildings and a lot of parking spaces that aren't supposed to be there.

And then their wind turbine, which isn't quite on campus (it's over past the golf course, roughly), but which is rather pretty really.

Concert Hall
Concert Hall
Concert hall side of the Music and Drama Center, from the plaza between the two. I believe I have pictures of this from the summer it was being built, which I should really dig out. Carleton College; Concert Hall
Laird Hall
Laird Hall
Laird Hall. When I was there (1972-77) this was where the English department was, and also much of the administration (president and alumni office, I believe). And the academic computer center was in the basement on the left, and the administrative data-processing center was in the basement on the right. Carleton College; Laird Hall
Goodsell Observatory
Goodsell Observatory
Goodsell observatory. This was math department headquarters when I was there (1972-77). Carleton College; Goodsell Observatory
Goodhue and Recreation Center across Lyman Lakes
Goodhue and Recreation Center across Lyman Lakes
Oh, and the water tower in the background. Carleton College; Goodhue Hall; Recreation Center
Evans Hall
Evans Hall
Carleton College; Evans Hall
Nourse, and "Language and Dining"
Nourse, and "Language and Dining"
Carleton College; Language and Dining; Nourse Hall
Nourse, and "Language and Dining"
Nourse, and "Language and Dining"
Carleton College; Language and Dining; Nourse Hall
Carleton College; Nourse Hall
Carleton College; Watson Hall
Cowling Recreation Center
Cowling Recreation Center
Carleton College; Cowling Recreation Center
Carleton College; Musser Hall; Davis Hall; Scoville Hall
Skinner chapel
Skinner chapel
Carleton College; Skinner Memorial Chapel
Mudd Hall and the Music and Drama Center Carleton College; Mudd Hall; Music and Drama Center
Sculpture at corner of Bald Spot near Music and Drama center. Carleton College
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill
Carleton College power-generating wind turbine Carleton College; windmill
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David Dyer-Bennet