"Free" Photos

Various photos that I've chosen to release under the Gnu Free Documentation License or a Creative Commons license. Many of these I originally released for use on Wikipedia.

You'll find the exact licensing terms in the IPTC comments in each individual photo. I've left them as I first released them, rather than trying to bring them all to the same terms.

This page was first prepared in celebration of the first International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, which was in turn spawned by this:

I'm also opposed to the increasing presence in our organization of webscabs, who post their creations on the net for free. A scab is someone who works for less than union wages or on non-union terms; more broadly, a scab is someone who feathers his own nest and advances his own career by undercutting the efforts of his fellow workers to gain better pay and working conditions for all. Webscabs claim they're just posting their books for free in an attempt to market and publicize them, but to my mind they're undercutting those of us who aren't giving it away for free and are trying to get publishers to pay a better wage for our hard work.
(from this amazingly ignorant post).

SF Authors (and one ringer)

Will Shetterly and Emma Bull
Will Shetterly and Emma Bull
Lois McMaster Bujold
Lois McMaster Bujold
John M. Ford
John M. Ford
John M. Ford
John M. Ford
Dr. Mike (John M. Ford) at Minicon 38
Dr. Mike (John M. Ford) at Minicon 38
Patricia C. Wrede
Patricia C. Wrede
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet
Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet
Steven Brust
Steven Brust
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Richard Dyer-Bennet
Richard Dyer-Bennet
Gordon R. Dickson
Gordon R. Dickson
Judy Lynn and Lester Del Rey
Judy Lynn and Lester Del Rey
Ben Bova
Ben Bova


Species morning glory
Species morning glory
Bee on morning glory
Bee on morning glory
Bee shadow on morning glory
Bee shadow on morning glory
[gallery] [snapshots] [dd-b]

David Dyer-Bennet