Minnehaha Falls, 2008

I love the black water over the rock, and how it reflects the blue of the sky, and of course the fantastical shapes the dancing foam makes. The valley is in shadow, so when I expose to capture the detail in the white water in direct sunlight, it goes nearly black.
Trying to find a shutter speed for the falls itself, the pool it falls into, and the stream flowing out of it was a challenge, but I'm pretty happy with what I got here at 1/4 second. I had a polarizer on the lens as well, as much for its light loss (this was at f/22) as anything; but I think it helped the water outflow a lot. Note the bit of rainbow in the mist in the basin to the right.
Minnehaha Impact and Outflow
Minnehaha Impact and Outflow
Minnehaha Falls; waterfall
Roiled Water, Minnehaha Falls Impact Area
Roiled Water, Minnehaha Falls Impact Area
Minnehaha Falls; waterfall
Breaking wave downstream from Minnehaha Falls (After Guppiecat http://www.flickr.com/photos/guppiecat/2525147784/in/set-72157605268251029/)
Minnehaha Falls outflow, from north overlook
Minnehaha Falls outflow, from north overlook
Minnehaha Falls
Minnehaha Falls; waterfall; fisheye
Minnehaha Falls; waterfall; fisheye
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David Dyer-Bennet