Minicon Wednesday

Pre-con work party at Jonathan and Carol's. Sign making, badge sorting, last-minute crises, and handing lots of stuff off.

Kronick, Rachel; Somdahl, Chas
Christ, Bill
Tatge, Richard
Friedman, Beth; Nickerson, Lydia
Krahn, Laurel
Dudda, Peer
Kronick, Rachel; Somdahl, Bonnie
Romm, Don; Strait, Kelly
Kronick, Rachel; Somdahl, Bonnie; Tatge, Richard
Philips, Joel
Gahlon, Dean; Seven
Gahlon, Dean; Seven
Gahlon, Dean; Romm, Don
Kahn, Sharon; Romm, DavE
Tatge, Richard
Friedman, Beth
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David Dyer-Bennet