Ken Hoyme, Jim Young, Dean Gahlon, Sherri Lessinger, Rene Valois
Ken Hoyme, Jim Young, Dean Gahlon, Sherri Lessinger, Rene Valois

Gahlon, Dean; Hoyme, Ken; Lessinger, Deedee; Valois, Renee; Young, Jim


From: Deedee Lessinger

Date: Tue Apr 24 11:19:39 2007

Actually that's me.

From: dd-b

Date: Mon Jun 25 15:52:17 2007

Oops, sorry! (And looks like I had your first name spelled wrong on some others, which I've also fixed at least in my master copy, they'll percolate out into the albums here eventually.)

From: Jerry Stearns

Date: Mon Feb 8 15:02:31 2010

Again, the woman in the back right is Pat Sommers, not Rene. Their hair is sort of alike, though.

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David Dyer-Bennet