(??), Joe Wesson, Krissy Benders
(??), Joe Wesson, Krissy Benders

Krissy; Valois, Renee; Wesson, Joe


From: Ken Hoyme

Date: Tue Feb 20 15:41:29 2007

Looking at the outfit in 369-10, I think the woman on the left is Renee Valois

From: Jerry Stearns

Date: Mon Feb 8 15:04:49 2010

It's Pat Sommers again, not Rene. Does anyone know if Rene actually attended MidAmericon?

From: dd-b

Date: Mon Feb 8 15:13:55 2010

Yes; I remember specific interactions with her there. Even if there are a number of pictures mislabeled. (Glad to see I'm not the only one making that mistake, since Ken was thinking this one was Rene.)

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David Dyer-Bennet