MCPPA Birthday Rally

Went to the rally at the state capitol to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the Minnesota Citizen's Personal Protection Act. And, of course, took pictures.

I went there to support civilian carry permits, and self-defense in general; hence you'll find more pictures of our group than of the counter-demonstration.

I've removed grossly inferior shots, and left most of the rest even if they're kind of redundant. Anybody who needs higher resolution versions for editorial use, please get in touch with me.

First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
Schoolbus delivering people to the counter-demonstration?
Schoolbus delivering people to the counter-demonstration?
The competition
The competition
I guess the bags are supposed to suggest body bags?
I guess the bags are supposed to suggest body bags?
Of course, no bodies have been produced by permit-holders. The sky didn't fall.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
School group sharing the steps
School group sharing the steps
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
Start of population sample
Start of population sample
This set of photos covers the vast majority of the people at the rally, with considerable overlap, and no consideration to artistry.
Rep. Lynda Boudreau, house sponsor of the MCPPA
Rep. Lynda Boudreau, house sponsor of the MCPPA
Joel Rosenberg, emcee for this rally
Joel Rosenberg, emcee for this rally
Author of Everything You Need To Know About (Legally) Carrying A Handgun In Minnesota
Sen. Pat Pariseau, senate author of the MCPPA
Sen. Pat Pariseau, senate author of the MCPPA
Joe Olson, law professor (Hamline), advisor, lobbyist for the MCPPA, trainer
Joe Olson, law professor (Hamline), advisor, lobbyist for the MCPPA, trainer
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
Birthday cakes, from Oakdale Gun Club
Birthday cakes, from Oakdale Gun Club
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
David Gross, lawyer, advisor, activist, trainer
David Gross, lawyer, advisor, activist, trainer
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
First birthday party for the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection act of 2003. Sponsored by GOCRA and CCRN, supported by Oakdale Gun Club.
Handout for attendees
Handout for attendees
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David Dyer-Bennet