Ex-MultiLogic Cookout

Ex-MultiLogic cookout, 17-Jun-2000. Thanks, Jen!

My apologies to several people who were there that aren't pictured; or perhaps my apologies should go to those who are pictured?

I used to work with these people.

Jen exercises her stock options
Jen exercises her stock options
Or is it "exorcises"?
Or is it "exorcises"?
Oops, summoned something!
Oops, summoned something!
Tighe and Sohpia
Tighe and Sohpia
Tighe, Sophia, Joe, Del
Tighe, Sophia, Joe, Del
Rich and Bill
Rich and Bill
Rich, Lydy, and Sherrie
Rich, Lydy, and Sherrie
Sherrie and Jen
Sherrie and Jen
Rebecca, Sophia, and Bill
Rebecca, Sophia, and Bill
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David Dyer-Bennet