Thursday Setup

Setup activities on Thursday: loading the truck at the storage locker, and hanging out later around the convention. Thanks to all who turned up to help!

Even the upper reaches of the storage locker are full
Even the upper reaches of the storage locker are full
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Most of the nice neat packages stacked outside
Most of the nice neat packages stacked outside
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
The truck arrives!!!
The truck arrives!!!
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Backing it closer to the wall
Backing it closer to the wall
Loading the truck on Thursday before Minicon 39
Lydy and Folly
Lydy and Folly
Nickerson, Lydia
Nickerson, Lydia
Thusday night at Minicon
Jon Singer and Ctein
Jon Singer and Ctein
Rolling out the red carpet
Rolling out the red carpet
Williams, Walter Jon
Friedman, Beth
Kare, Mary Kay
Nickerson, Lydia
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David Dyer-Bennet