Emergency Recreational Bonfire

Greg and Lisa lost maybe a dozen trees in the last storm, plus had some previous deadwood on their property. It was time for a fire. However, fires to dispose of brush were not authorized. However recreational fires were permitted. (I'm paraphrasing from the invitation.) Hence it was time for a party, with a bonfire.

Emergency recreational bonfire (after big storm a couple of days ago). Freitag, Lisa
A clash of time-scales
A clash of time-scales
Emergency recreational bonfire (after big storm a couple of days ago). Friedman, Beth
Emergency recreational bonfire (after big storm a couple of days ago). Garey, Terri; Kahn, Sharon; Scrivner, Joyce
Emergency recreational bonfire (after big storm a couple of days ago). Ketter, Greg
Emergency recreational bonfire (after big storm a couple of days ago). Ketter, Greg
Emergency recreational bonfire (after big storm a couple of days ago). Gahlon, Dean; Krentz, Laura
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David Dyer-Bennet