Minicon 42 Wednesday

What I hear the Saturday before is there may be no work to do, but a party is traditional. I guess we can cope with that.

In fact there was some small amount of work, organizing the tent cards for programming. And work was going on elsewhere, on the program book and such.

Thanks to Carol and Jonathan for hosting.

Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Kahn, Sharon; Richards, Mark
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Kahn, Sharon; Richards, Mark
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Philips, Joel; Richards, Mark; Strait, Kelly
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Friedman, Beth; Kronick, Rachel
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Dudda, Peer; Raun, Irene; Raun, Scott
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Austin, Kevin
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Kahn, Sharon
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Kennedy, Carol; Richards, Mark; Sasseville, Laramie
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Kennedy, Carol; Richards, Mark
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Dudda, Peer; Raun, Irene; Raun, Scott
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Strait, Kelly; Tatge, Thorin
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Strait, Kelly; Tatge, Thorin
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Friedman, Beth; Kronick, Rachel
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Jean, Laura; Phillips, Joel
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Sullivan, Geri
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Friedman, Beth
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Philips, Beth
Wednesday night work party before Minicon 42. Phillips, Joel; Sullivan, Geri
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David Dyer-Bennet