Northfield Highschool Class of 1972 35th Reunion

Once again a good time seems to have been had by all who turned up, and and many people were missed.

The Powerpoint file containing Paul's presentation can be downloaded here (fairly big, 43MB).

I also have pictures up from the 30th reunion in 2002.

Lampe, Lynn; Lampe, Rob
Hansen, Mark; Van Son, Teresa
Harkness, Paul
Johnson, Dawn
Johnson, Dawn
Harkness, Paul
Harkness, Paul
Harkness, Paul; Williams, Laurie
Harkness, Paul; Williams, Laurie
Ness, Linda
Hansen, Mark; Harkness, Paul; Hill, Steve
Dyer-Bennet, David; Hamre, Steve
Ness, Dale
Ness, Dale
Harkness, Paul; Ness, Dale
Harkness, Paul; Ness, Dale
Hamre, Steve
Rockey, Thomas
Harkness, Paul
Bauer, Ernie; Demann, Chip; Lane, Mike
Bauer, Ernie; Rockey, Thomas
Bauer, Ernie; Rockey, Thomas
Harkness, Paul
Otte, Vonnie Lamberty; Wang, John
Hamre, Steve; Harkness, Paul
Harkness, Paul; Henrickson, Kris
Ness, Dale
Henrickson, Kris; Ness, Dale; Wang, John
Henrickson, Kris; Hill, Steve; Ness, Dale; Wang, John
Lane, Mike
Lane, Mike; Rahman, Al
Lane, Mike; Scott, Dick
Hansen, Mark; Scott, Dick
Bauer, Ernie; Kivelll, Wayne
Hamre, Rayna; Hamre, Steve; Hanson, Rick
Lampe, Rob
Hill, Steve; Ness, Dale; Scott, Dick
This one is a bit big; you can see all the pictures and read all the names, though.
Lampe, Lynn; Lampe, Rob
Harkness, Paul
Lampe, Rob
Ness, Dale
Kivelll, Wayne
Welinski, Claire
Lampe, Lynn; Lampe, Rob
Henrickson, Kris; Kivelll, Wayne
Broderson, Steve
Henrickson, Kris; Kivelll, Wayne
Broderson, Steve; Lampe, Rob
Broderson, Steve
Broderson, Steve
Hansen, Mark; Kivelll, Wayne; Lane, Mike
Kivelll, Wayne; Lane, Mike
Hansen, Mark; Kivelll, Wayne; Lane, Mike
Henrickson, Kris; Welinski, Claire
Hansen, Mark; Kivelll, Wayne; Lane, Mike; Welinski, Claire
Hansen, Mark; Kivelll, Wayne; Lane, Mike
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David Dyer-Bennet