Bonfire Party at Neil's

Bonfire party, not announced as a Guy Fawkes Day party, but a Guy got burned anyway.

Between a lot of people whose names I don't remember, and uncertainty on who would be unhappy having their image linked to their name on the web, I have done very little with tagging images so far. If I've identified you and you wish I hadn't, send email and I'll fix it right away (and try to remember for the future). If you want to be identified and aren't, you can leave a comment on a picture or two.

Fireworks problems...
Fireworks problems...
One of three minor fireworks incidents of the evening. fireworks
Fireworks problems...
Fireworks problems...
One of three minor fireworks incidents of the evening. This was one of the whirly ones that suffered a navigational malfunction and chased after the person who lit it. fireworks
Dr. Dan enjoying a sparkler at Neil's bonfire
Dr. Dan enjoying a sparkler at Neil's bonfire
Neil Gaiman with sparklers. (Also Kat, Pamela, Elise, Juan, and Lydy
Neil Gaiman adds log to bonfire. bonfire; Gaiman, Neil
Lojo Russo playing at Neil's bonfire party
Lojo Russo playing at Neil's bonfire party
Russo, Lojo
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David Dyer-Bennet