New Kittens

Please welcome Ninja and Nuit to Blaisdell Poly. They're from Dr. Mac at the Kitty Clinic.

The cats formerly knows as "the kittens" (Arwen and Naomi) will henceforth be known as "the old kittens" or "the big cats".

(Nuit is female, and has a white blaze on her front and a patch under one front leg. Ninja is male, and is currently all black. He's also a bit larger, and a bit bolder. Who knows how long these traits will distinguish them, though? :-))

Ninja takes a first look out of the carrier. Ninja
Nuit and Ninja look out from the carrier. Ninja; Nuit
Ninja sets paw to the floor for the first time. Ninja
Nuit (female, white blaze on chest , smaller) Nuit
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David Dyer-Bennet