ddb 197209 200-10
ddb 197209 200-10

Original of a George Barr cover painting (note signature).

IPTC Information

ApplicationRecordVersion: 4
Caption-Abstract: Original of a George Barr cover painting (note signature).
City: Los Angeles
Contact: dd-b@dd-b.net
CopyrightNotice: '© David Dyer-Bennet, All Rights Reserved'
Country-PrimaryLocationName: USA
Credit: David Dyer-Bennet
DateCreated: 1972:09:02
  - ~
Province-State: CA
Sub-location: LACon
SupplementalCategories: 'FILM=Agfachrome 64, CAMERA=Miranda Sensorex'

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ddb 197209 200-10
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David Dyer-Bennet