Lin Carter, (??)
Lin Carter, (??)

Lin Carter, and Mark Riley says it's definitely NOT him, so I dunno who it is.

Carter, Lin

IPTC Information

Caption: Lin Carter, and Mark Riley says it's definitely NOT him, so I dunno who it is.

Location: Midamericon, Kansas City, MO, USA

Keywords: Carter, Lin


From: Mark Riley

Date: Tue Nov 28 16:57:16 2006

Ain't me. Beard's too light, bare arms far too thin for me in that era, and the only time I ever wore a hospital wrist-band at a convention would have been ICON (later that same year, I think). There was a Missouri fan who looked a bit like me; might be him. -- the mADMAN 2006.11.28

From: dd-b

Date: Sun Dec 10 19:25:06 2006

At Midamericon, pretty much everybody wore the hospital wrist-band. You were there, weren't you? Just curious about that detail, if you're sure it's not you then I'll be sure also.

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