Since I’m driving rather more these days, what with one thing and another, and was starting to be bothered by the amount of time spent in the car, and the noise and general un-restfulness of the environment, I bought a new car. A Toyota Camry LE, in dark gray metallic.
Contrary to every other vehicle I’ve ever owned, this one even has an automatic transmission. Technology advances, and this six-speed automatic gets as good mileage as the six-speed manual, and is less unpleasant in the stop-and-go parts of the driving.

I’m considering personalized license plates now; something I’ve considered before, but never done. Current leading candidates are “LENSMAN”, “XKCD378“, and “XKCD386“.
xkcd378 has my vote.
What do young programmers even use for editing today,
I believe young programmers don’t actually type code any more, they just depend on code snippets from Intellisense, and then maybe some refactoring.