Back then, we posted pictures of department heads and trouble-shooters and such on the bridge to help familiarize volunteers with the people with authority in various areas. We found these going through the Minicon archives last weekend. There are some more, not Polaroids, that I haven’t scanned yet because I haven’t figured out how to clean them (there’s gunk on the front). (click photo for gallery)

I don’t know if I took that picture, but I labelled it!
Then you probably labeled many of them.
Two things – the link to the photo album is failing, I think it’s relative and needs to be absolute? And it looks like they’re pictures from two successive years, with some – I think the one’s I labelled – recycled from the previous year.
I suspect it’s more complicated than rev vs absolute; maybe a path not being translated to a ht-doc-root rel path?
here’s the index link that’s working for me:
Link fixed, was missing “http://” mostly.
Yeah, red labels are 1988, additional black labels are later reuse. Black labels only are unknown years, could be earlier or later for that matter. Haven’t tried to look closely at badges and things, might well be able to pin down individual photos that way. Also I could be overly optimistic that all the red labels were really the same year :-).