Finally started taking action on the problem of not getting enough pancakes in my life. As it turned out, this required a last-minute trip to the store, since the amount of soy milk in the house was inadequate.
I did a batch of vegan whole-wheat pancakes that were okay (better than today’s batch, as I remember it) a long time ago, but don’t seem to have said anything or recorded the recipe.

I don’t like “fluffy” pancakes. I like something closer to crêpes.
The recipe as I made it today:
1 cup white flour 1T sugar 1.5T baking powder 1/8t salt 1C unsweetened soy milk 2T vegetable oil
Mix, cook on medium hot griddle, probably greased. Makes 2 servings.
These came out kind of okay, though a bit thick, a bit tough, and a bit flavorless (I thought they lacked salt).
For next time, I plan to add something like 1/8 cup soy milk, and take the baking powder down to 1T. (The original recipe actually called for 2T, I reduced it before making this batch.)
Turns out baking powder has huge amounts of sodium in it, when used in this kind of quantity. Today’s recipe had 42% of the allowable sodium intake for a normal diet.
In the long run I’ll play with grains, I think, and maybe play with vegan egg-replacer. I’m looking for a more rubbery, less cardboard, kind of a texture. More oil might be involved too. I’m trying to limit the number of things I change at once for a few iterations; though I suppose I may eventually give up this recipe entirely.
I could give up the vegan route, and work on normal pancakes. But that leaves Pamela out, which seems like it shouldn’t be my first choice.