Office Decor

Here’s the result of the work on making prints to decorate the office where I work.

The Office

I shot 4 frames with the LX3 to get the coverage. And did it sloppily enough that I then spent an hour or thereabouts touching things up, and there are still at least two really awful bits (but you might be surprised some of the things that got fixed).

I should probably just shoot another set tomorrow, more carefully.  With more safety margin.

Cheap Framing at Large Sizes

Seven of eight prints framed and ready to hang

Framing is one of the most beneficial things you can learn to do yourself, if you’re an artist making flat visual art. Of course, if you’re a successful visual artist, framing is one of the first things you’ll want to give up!

Framing is important for artwork. It protect it from damage in storage, handling, and display, and provides some protection against environmental dangers.

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