Alles Lockenspeepers!

The IBM 1620 computer at Northfield Highschool, where I first learned to program, had a version of a classic warning to not break the machine, written in humorous pseudo-German.

There are multiple documented versions online, and I don’t have a legible photo of the exact version of the one on ours; I’m trying to come reasonably close to reconstructing it between those references and my memory.

This is about how I remember it:

Achtung! Alles Lockenspeepers!

Das Computenmachine is nicht fűr gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der Springenwerk, blowenfusen, und poppencorken mit Spitzensparken. Ist nicht fűr gewerken by das Dumbkopfen. Da rubberneckin Sightseeren keepen hands in das Pockets; relaxen und watchen das Blinkenlights.

Anybody from then and there want to contribute to my memory? Even if you don’t have a photo, if you remember it differently I’d be interested in knowing. (There are lots of well-documented versions, all a bit different, from around the globe, but I’m asking about that specific version, not others.)

Why German? Well, perhaps because the Germans were a big deal in science around WWII (which, remember, was closer in time to when I was in highschool than that time is to today). Perhaps because German as formally deployed is ponderous enough that this kind of fractured German is inherently funny. Perhaps because of the humorously incompetent German’s in Hogan’s Heroes on TV.

Personal Dr. Fun Favorites

I keep having trouble finding these when I want to cite them, so I’m finally going to look through them once and take notes!

(The original archive has gone, but there seems to be a full archive here).

Unwanted computer peripherals—the HP DittoJet

Welcome to a smoke free hell

Well, well, well…check out ‘Mister Evolution’.

Where crazed programmers are sent.

100 Gigabyte Hard Drive

Another big bug busted.

Poorly-planned meals on the way to the Moon

International Shoot A Roll of Film Day

Kyle Cassidy declared yesterday to be International Shoot A Roll of Film Day.

After some consideration, I don’t think I have any cameras that take roll film left (I’ve got the 4×5 still). There may be something buried somewhere, but nothing I remember, and I don’t think anything I ever used much; maybe an old 616 Brownie box camera or something.

And I haven’t stumbled across any rolls of film, either.  If I had, I would have had great difficulty restraining myself from doing a self-portrait while gleefully ripping a roll of film out of its cartridge. Luckily we have all been spared that.

Which left my original idea—to shoot the rolls of film Geri Sullivan gave me many years ago.

International Shoot A Roll of Film day 2010