So, the Minicon 50 photos, such as they are, are finally posted. I was so busy the first three days, and then so worn down, that I have fewer than usual, but I had a great time, and didn’t fret about not taking photos when I didn’t feel like it.
Tag: minicon
Minicon 23 Bridge Photos (1988)
Back then, we posted pictures of department heads and trouble-shooters and such on the bridge to help familiarize volunteers with the people with authority in various areas. We found these going through the Minicon archives last weekend. There are some more, not Polaroids, that I haven’t scanned yet because I haven’t figured out how to clean them (there’s gunk on the front). (click photo for gallery)
Minicon photos all up
Minicon 49
We’re about to have Minicon 49. I’ll be posting pictures, but probably mostly not blogging pointers to each batch.
Here’s the first batch, anyway. The rest will appear under here as time passes.
Minicon Monday Photos
There’ll be one more set, maybe, after the Dead Dog party tonight, but here are the photos from Minicon Fish Fest and the Pumphouse run after that.