Picking Photos

Or “editing”; as in one part of what a “photo editor” did for Life magazine, back when.

There are two basic approaches. Well, there are a bunch of dimensions to sort the approaches into, and one of those dimensions is absolute picture quality vs. illustrating a particular detail of the event.

The best-looking bunch of photos will result from thinking like an artist, and simply never showing anybody photos that aren’t of the best quality.

However, there’s a lot to be said for thinking like a photojournalist, too. People will often want to see photos of each particular detail, especially if they are in them. When you’re shooting basically for family and friends, this may well be the way to go. You still don’t want to present 20 photos of the same situation, though—even your family and friends will run out of patience then. Continue reading Picking Photos

We Had Some Snow

Quite a lot, actually. Lots of businesses closed early yesterday, and the city shut down the bus system.

I had to go out to get my computer fixed (it had been dead since Tuesday; turned out to need a new motherboard), and tried to do other errands but failed.

And then had to find someplace to put my car. By that point I couldn’t safely drive on the side streets, never mind the alley, so my original plan to put the car behind my garage did not work out.

I ended up parking overnight in the Uptown ramp (which they say they don’t allow, but the machine happily charged me $9 this morning).

Then I had to walk home, because there was no other way to get there. Walking in deep snow is remarkably tiring, if you haven’t tried it. It goes down a few inches, and then shifts some direction, not predictably.

I think I would have been happier if the city had let us know they were going to give up and shut down for a while a bit earlier.

I ran around and got some aftermath pictures this morning (the storm itself didn’t look very photogenic to me; there was fog with it).

Photo Expeditions

Last month, Ctein and I made a photo expedition that hit two destinations.

First we went to Minneopa State Park, which had nice waterfalls but poor foliage.

Waterfalls on Minneopa Creek

I keep going back to the Carleton campus. It’s a place I’ve known since I was 6, and have always liked.  So that’s where we headed in hopes of better foliage (the maps showed it less advanced to the east).

Ctein photgraphing fall foliage