I seem to be posting at least some of the photos fairly quickly, so far.
Edited to add: Also Thursday. And Saturday. And Sunday.
And stuff added to Saturday on Sunday morning, too.
Andrew Plotkin has assembled a concordance to John M. Ford’s The Dragon Waiting. He says “My goal is to document everything that I thought a reader might miss.” This will presumably have to be an ongoing effort :-).
In my latest booknote on this one I said:
I continue to be not as excited about this book as other people. But I know why; I’m just not knowledgable enough to fully appreciate it. In this case it’s my lack of knowledge of third-level characters in that historical period. So I’m sure I’m not getting all sorts of connections that help make the book more interesting and move the story along.
On consideration I suspect my ignorance extends considerably further up the line, but anyway; I suspect I’ll be able to appreciate a lot more of this book now!
(Nicked from a post in Nemesis Draco.)