Beef and Carrot Curry with Raisins

I just dug out of my memory, and made for the first time in ages, a recipe I made up a long, long time ago. It’s not much like anything I’d ever had before or since, though of course all the elements are things common to real-world cuisines. It has received generally favorable reactions over the years. Continue reading Beef and Carrot Curry with Raisins

California Trip: 8-Oct

It appears that I’ll be in the Bay Area the week of 8-Oct. If you want to try to see me then, ping me. If you want to be on my email list for a more direct notification in future, ping me about that.

I believe I’m already busy Friday (12th) evening and Saturday (13th) afternoon and evening, but none of that is confirmed. Which means mostly what’s possible is getting together for dinner.

Photo Equipment Neepery

I guess it’s mostly Nikon’s fault for giving the D3 such good low-light performance. Since there’s no way I can consider actually buying a D3 (I believe MSRP at release will be about $5000), I’m not sure why that’s the obvious driver to my looking at more equipment upgrades, but it’s at least one major factor. Another is that I got some money (not much in relation to a D3) for my birthday, so I can consider at least low-end upgrades. And maybe there’s still leftover energy from this spring, when I bought the 17-55mm f/2.8 DX zoom.

But once I start thinking, it snowballs. Continue reading Photo Equipment Neepery

Old Email Addresses

I’ve been trying to capture my history on the net for some time now. The recent LiveJournal meme on earliest Usenet post got me to pull together some information on email addresses I’ve used over the years, so here they are:

  • {decvax,ihnp4,ucbvax}!decwrl!rhea!mrvax!ddb
  • ddb@mrvax.dec
  • ( was the real address, but posts seemed to be tagged with the workstation I was at)
  • (I find only August and September 1994 posts in Google Groups currently)