Also, first posted photo off the new phone.
Tag: photo
Lightroom mobile is a menace
MidAmeriCon II Photos
Adventures in Archiving
Or, sorting the piles.

The original envelope from Torcon 2, also, with stuff from then in side it as well. Plus my own envelopes with Torcon 2 and Minicon 8 photos and other things.
And that innocent looking little digest-sized booklet under the DC bag? That’s the Midamericon program book.

New Photo Printer
So I finally broke down and replaced the (broken) 8.5″ Epson R800 (which doesn’t do B&W at all well) with something a bit better—an Epson 3880, which prints up to 17″ wide and does gorgeous B&W (they both do quite good color).

There is, however, one other slight problem—where to put it. I’ve let the office get a little, um, cluttered, and this printer is a lot more than twice the size of the last one so I can’t just replace it in place.

And significant progress has been made. I need to settle some power and data connectivity issues, and carry that big box down into the basement, which may be a bit interesting. But I should be printing tomorrow.

The stuff on the shelves can now be sorted in smaller groups, and the stuff behind the shelves integrated, and stuff on the computer shelf. And eventually a lot of the stuff on the other shelves where the second closet is supposed to be can be moved and sorted, and the closet built, and some of the stuff moved into it. And, in the end, these new shelves removed again to open up that floor space. But they give me space to do the sorting needed now, which is a big win.