Cats Laughing Reunion Kickstarter—24 hours to go

Wow, the reception of this has been wonderful!

There’s certainly going to be a concert, and there will be audio and video recordings.  The tech will be first-class. We’ll have a light show, too.  It should be grand!

I’ve heard two rehearsals, and I think it’ll even be good (or perhaps great), which is not quite the same thing as “grand”.

Last chance to adjust your support level, or become a supporter before it closes, here!

We’re working towards an opening act, t-shirt cannon, and various other interesting things still, should you be feeling flush.

Now we just have to, er, actually make it all happen.


Cats Laughing reunion is a Kickstarter Staff Pick!

Wow, we knew they did staff picks, but it didn’t seem likely that we’d manage to reach that level.

But we have!  We got email today notifying us, and we show up on the staff picks page.

So send all your friends over to our Kickstarter page to support us!  I really want to do the video of the concert, and we need to hit Tier 3 for that to happen.

Cats Laughing reunion progress

I posted a few days ago about launching the Kickstarter to fund the Cats Laughing reunion.  Things have been moving very fast since then—we’ve already funded the concert, and gone on from there to make our first stretch goal (recording quality upgrade, adding a light show, and adding live-streaming).

Now I’m hoping we can keep going, and fund making the concert video (at least partly because that’s the bit that’s the most fun for me to actually do).

Before launch we were up to all hours completing the video, and preparing the Kickstarter contents.  Today we spent a lot of time working to upgrade the graphic you see at the top of the Kickstarter page. Now that we’re past the basic goal, we wanted something that gave a clearer indication of progress, and emphasized that we weren’t done, we were still moving towards the next goal.  So I designed a progress bar in the neck of a guitar, and Corwin and Dee and I put together a new graphic using many of the same elements, plus the new progress bar, plus we added a still photo.  The first version of that went up on the website just a few minutes ago (and will probably get refined some over the next day or two, as well as being updated to reflect progress towards the goal).