Photosynth of Minnehaha Falls

My first try at shooting specifically for photosynth is not a total failure; parts of the main falls bowl, in particular, seem to have come out fairly well.

Looks like it has mis-identified some matches, and I’ve probably tried to cover too big an area.  I shot some more down at Carleton later today, will be interested to see how those come out.

Fascinating toy!

Edited to add: But, of course, since it’s cool, Photosynth isn’t around any more. There’s an article on that.

Dyer-Bennet’s Dictum

“All photos are best taken from a camera position that hurts your knees.”

I’ve just been reviewing (and responding to comments on) an LJ post where I brought this up, and I found myself thinking this several times last night while photographing at a party, and it occurred to me that I might as well get it down solidly on my record.

It’s amazing how often my best shot seems to be just a foot below eye-level.  Or else just about 3 feet off the floor.

Inadequate Preparation

I seem to have left the house without a record of my home server static IP address. Also the Dreamhost server my stuff is on. Best place for this is built in to Putty records and perhaps Thunderbird (so I’m not dependent on DNS working to get to my own stuff at least). Having it in the Palm Pilot address book and/or Passwordsafe would be nice, too.

I apparently don’t have my registered Focus Magic on this laptop.

I don’t appear to have the Photoshop plugin for Noise Ninja on this laptop at all.

I didn’t have Photo Mechanic on this laptop (thought I had the demo). Got the registration info off my server via ssh once other things got working.

Would have been nice to have a lightstand; but it needs to be in a portable light kit with a good bag to carry it in, or it’s too much trouble. I kept having to put the slave flash too far away and not high enough.

Not being able to put tags on the raw files on this laptop is a pain; means that doesn’t happen until late, and that the early postings to the snapshot gallery are mostly missing that information (and sometimes those postings are all that ever happen). (Thumbs Plus won’t put IPTC data into NEF files currently; Photo Mechanic will put the data in sidecar XMP files but I don’t believe Thumbs Plus doesn’t pick that up. Attaching it just in the database means it’s lost when I transfer the files from the laptop to the desktop. If I had permanent connectivity to an SQL database I could share a database between the two, and then do the transfer in a way that kept database info, but that depends too much on net connectivity, plus might have performance issues. Maybe Thumbs Plus 8 will do better with NEF, or understand sidecar files.)

On the plus side, I not only brought a swimsuit, I used it (in the hot tub).

We’ve Reached the Deceased Canines

Running a bit short on Minicon here.  Although there’s a nice music circle going, and lots of gaming and conversations in other spaces.

And there may not be a lot more photos coming; haven’t been shooting much since closing ceremonies.

And, from closing ceremonies…the death of the President for Life rapidly approaches.